Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Too Easy to Make Gold?

I'm finding it incredibly easy to make gold in WoW, even if it's just using auctioneer's basic tricks to get the job done. I haven't yet gotten to the point where I can flip the truly expensive stuff, but I am making a consistent amount of money playing 5 minutes per day! I've been sick with the flu, or whatever this is, yet I've still managed to pull in decent amounts of money. Here's a quick screenshot summing up the past three visits to the auction house I've had while ill, as well as some items I'm currently selling that I picked up on bids:

Not too bad, but not exponential either. I blame that on my time limitation at the moment, as I am basically just hitting auctioneer scan, walking away, coming back and bidding on a few dozen things before logging off. Enchanting is really freaking easy money, even on a level 8 character, and the bids I've won have gotten me items worth upwards of 1000% the invested value.

Current gold count only looking into liquid money at the moment:

That doesn't include gold stuck in the auction house on bids or actual auctions. I'll have some more to talk about as I discover new markets to play! Glyphs are freaking dead by the way, they don't sell at all on my main's server where I have a max level glypher. Any other markets you've found are complete duds so I don't waste my time on them?

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